“Dad, it’s snowing out and a new kid came to school in a T-shirt and flip flops. I think he needs some winter clothes!” said Joseph to his Dad, Pastor Jeff Klein.

Thus began Jericho Road Church’s involvement with Central African refugees. That was three years ago. Today, Erik is thriving in the fourth grade at Lowell School. His dad, Janvier, is working two jobs and the whole family is active at Jericho Road Church.

Janvier has a real pastor’s heart and has been doing his best to help all the African refugees that have been coming after them to DuPage County. Integrating new refugees is a big job requiring a community. Jericho Road, along with many other churches, is active in this ministry alongside World Relief and other Refugee organizations. Jericho Road has become our church for our year here in Wheaton. It is fun for us to get involved in another type of cross-cultural ministry.

Janvier had seen the need for the Central African group to have their own small group during the week. They had been attending Jericho Road, but their English is not really that great yet . . .  “I want to start a group in Swahili. Who will come along with me to help me get it started?” asked Janvier. TK immediately volunteered and a new Living Room group was born.

TK teaching Janvier and Simeon

TK teaching Janvier and Simeon about using Bible Stories

It does not look like our Living Room group! The singing is in Swahili or Kirundi, very enthusiastic, and accompanied by dancing and a drum. Janvier, Simeon and TK take turns sharing. TK is encouraging the two men to use Bible stories as many of the participants are non-readers.

Please pray for
•    Wisdom for TK in encouraging Janvier and Simeon,
•    them to catch on to Bible storying and be good small group leaders,
•    the East African believers to grow in their faith and begin leading others to Jesus and
•    Jericho Road Church to be effective in serving and reaching out to refugees in DuPage County.