Map of LaosKuy in Laos
About 15 years ago God used information from Joshua Project's Unreached People Group lists to call us to the Kuy People of Cambodia who were at that time unreached and untargeted. Unreached groups lack enough followers of Christ and resources to evangelize their own people. There was no profile or photo, few facts, just the listing with nobody focusing on the Kuy of Cambodia. Praise God, there are many now focusing on the Kuy, there are more resources available and God is at work bringing Kuy people in Cambodia to Himself. Now we have broadened our focus to include Kuy in the whole region.

There is a new Joshua Project website. Check it out at The Kuy people are listed in three countries, Cambodia, Thailand and Laos. But little information is available for the Kuy in Thailand and even less for those in Laos. We would like to see that changed. Pray for workers for the Kuy (Suay, Kui, Kuay, Suei) of Laos that they also may hear of Jesus' love for them.
Pray also that God would stir the hearts of missionary strategists to target the many other unreached groups listed by Joshua Project.