Answered Prayer
We are encouraged by recent answers to prayer. Here are June requests for prayer and a summary of how we have seen God answer.
  • Pray for Tom's trip to Rumchek with Jet next week; for safe travel (no rain deluges), good reception with Kuy people there, Jet to communicate the Gospel well in ways that will make sense to the people and especially for God's work in hearts of villagers while they are there.
  • Especially pray for Rii and Srae Chon in Rumchek who have already been exposed to the Gospel.
    Tom and Jet had a very good though brief trip to Rumchek. Jet was able to relate as a rice farmer to these village people in ways that Tom is not able. They had lots in common. Chon declared a readiness to give his life to God. Jet seems to have a genuine interest in and desire to help plant the church among the Kuy of Cambodia!
    Please continue to pray