Potential Partner in Thailand   
    Last week was a major holiday in Cambodia, the kids were out of school and we took a trip to Thailand. So, I didn't get this update out mid month as usual. However, while we were there Tom made phone contact with Pastor Kamsorn, who pastors a church in Thailand not too far from the border with Cambodia. Kamsorn's mother is ethnic Kuy and his father ethnic Khmer from Buriram in Thailand. So, he speaks Thai, Northern Khmer, and Kuy. Tradition has it that the Kuy people in his mother's village had migrated from Cambodia. Kamsorn is also theologically trained. We are excited about the potential for cooperation.
    Tom is planning to visit him in person next January to discuss possible ministry opportunities. Pastor Kamsorn already has a heart for the Kuy in Cambodia. Please pray that God will provide ways that we can work together.