"What's that?" you say. Well it has nothing to do with growing plants or straightening teeth. But it is crucial to the work of reducing an unwritten language to writing and beginning to produce written materials in that language. It is basically an alphabet. Ralph Lewis (NTM) tells a story of asking a Cambodian friend, who does not speak Kuy to read a story to a group of Kuy people. The story was in "Kuy" language, written down using the Khmer script. The Kuy people had a good laugh, saying, "That's not our language!" Obviously an alphabet is not so simple to develop.
Actually a good orthography is also very helpful to the development of even oral tools for evangelism, teaching and church planting. It's very difficult to translate the script for a video, a gospel tape or even a story that you wish to teach others without some way of writing it down to preserve accuracy. Imagine the confusion if you start with a poor orthography or if there is more than one orthography produced for the same language.
We are very excited that there are people working and getting ready to work to produce a Kuy orthography. This will open the door to all kinds of important opportunities to present the gospel to the Kuy people including providing them with the written Word.