Thank you so much for your prayers concerning Rev. Suliasi Kurulo's visit the end of last month from Fiji. We had a wonderful time getting to know him, showing him the need among the Kuy people and sharing our heart. We were delighted to learn that he has a very strong call to missions mobilization and his church is very missions oriented. They have sent out many missionaries and have around 30 on the field in places such as Papua New Guinea and Africa. Rev. Suli is trusting God to provide two to four church planters to work with us among the Kuy people in the near future. Praise God for this answer to prayer.
While on the vision trip to the Kuy areas, Tom was particularly encouraged by his visit with Grandma Ta. She was one of the first Kuy people Tom met and one of the first believers. She is the widow who climbed the mountain with us in her flip flops. Since that time, the Bible study group she was a part of has folded because Rith, a Khmer believer who led the group, had to leave the area. Neighbors told Tom that the whole group were no longer believing. However, when Tom found Grandma Ta she adamantly denied this, saying she still trusted in Jesus. In fact, the evening before Tom's visit she had made quite a journey to join in a Bible study conducted by our friend on the opposite side of town. We are so encouraged that God is holding onto Grandma Ta. She still trusts in him though she has no fellowship, no encouragement and no scripture in her own language (she is illiterate anyway). Our missionary friend will try to start a group in her area again. Please join us in prayer for Grandma Ta to persevere and be a witness for Jesus. God surely has plans for her life. He often chooses to use the weak and powerless to demonstrate His power.
Pray for Tom and Scott (young short term intern, here for a few weeks to get a picture of what is happening in missions in Cambodia). They will travel to remote Kuy areas next week for survey work.
Tom and Lynn Newhouse
P.O. Box 1365
Phnom Penh
Home: 855 23 880-274
Mobile: 855 12  690-413