Orality Network
    The Kuy people have an oral culture. They have a very high rate of illiteracy, and even those who do read, do so at a very low functional level. The ways of learning and passing on information, even thought processes, in an oral culture are very different from those of a literate culture. So, we need to think very deliberately how to communicate the good news of Jesus in a way that will make sense to people in an oral culture. In Cambodia, not just Kuy people but the majority of the people are oral learners.    
    As a result we have gotten involved in an Orality Network, hoping to stimulate thought and strategic materials for the spread of the gospel to oral learners. We are working with others to try to bring some Bible Story-telling training to Cambodia for church planters, to translate materials for such training and to explore ways that drama, proverbs, radio, video and other non-literate methods of communication can be used effectively in the churches in Cambodia. Having such resources in Khmer will be a good step towards producing them in Kuy
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