Uncle HunA Bridge

On the fence outside the houses were hung little bottles of some red liquid. Hmmm . . . what was this custom? The response was the same each time people were asked, "it is for protection from the evil spirits." Could this be a bridge for the gospel? Does the red liquid represent blood? This led our Malaysian missionary friend, David, to include in his story-telling the story of the blood sacrifices in ancient Israel and how Jesus is the fulfillment of our need for a blood sacrifice, a substitute for our sin.

Last month we asked you to pray for the village of Snaur (pronounced a bit like it rhymes with "now"), where the Crossroads team of Cambodian young people had been for ministry for two weeks and for the village leader, Uncle Hun. David and a couple of the young people are continuing to follow-up with Hun and others by visiting for a couple of days every two weeks or so. On a recent trip, they went as close to the village as they could by motorbike. Then they had to walk over the muddy and flooded road. At one place they had to wade through water waist deep to get to the village. They continue to tell Bible stories, using a Bible story picture chart.

Pray for wisdom and perseverance. David is now gone for a time. Pray for the young people to continue traveling to Snaur and see God bless their efforts as they are faithful. Pray for Uncle Hun to understand the message of salvation and to commit himself to Jesus.