Memory SpeakA New Tool

A friend put us on to a new electronic device which has proved to be very helpful. It is a mobile speaker. About the size of a clock radio, it plays MP3 files from a memory chip or a thumb drive using a rechargeable battery. It can run at least 6 hours without charging and is charged using a NOkia phone recharger. For use in rural places without electricity it can be hooked up to a car battery (commonly used in households fo powering lights.) It has few moving parts, is easy to use, hard to destroy and not very expensive.

So, what's so great about this mobile speaker? Sure, its great to have around to play music for your party. But what we are using it for is to give rural storytellers an easy way to listen to Bible stories so that they can learn them. Listening over and over is the key for oral learners. So far it has really helped one of the pastors the Tom is teaching to tell the stories.