Kuy people are not likely to read about it (most are functionally illiterate) or see it on TV or visit a church service. Someone needs to bring the good news in a way that they can understand. We believe that Bible stories, told chronologically so as to present God's plan for the nations in a clear way, are the solution. And these stories will be best if told by their own people in their own language.

We have recorded a set of Bible stories translated from Khmer in Kuy. They are a "first pass." They need to be refined. Now Tom is working with two Kuy pastors to teach them to tell the stories in Kuy (rather than translate them from Khmer). They have had a training seminar in story telling. But, now they need help working it out. It is proving to be a more difficult process than we expected. But they are getting it and beginning to tell the stories to their families and in their churches.