Making Music

Recently Puu Som (Puu means Uncle and is used in addressing an older man) traveled to a Kuy village in Kampong Thom with Luis Santos, a missionary working in Preah Vihear province. They had gone so that Puu Som, a singer and song composer, could meet some other Kuy musicians. It was a very encouraging time for Puu to meet and make music with other Kuy believers. He knows few believers and Kuy people typically do not get to travel much. Tom recorded some of their music, Kuy and Khmer songs, some Christian some folk. Hopefully some can be included on the Kuy Bible Story CD.


Luis and his wife, Rosalind, went to Preah Vihear province to share the gospel with the least reached. While not targeting the Kuy specifically they have come to know Puu Som and his family. This is rice planting time and so Luis is traveling to their rice fields, where they are staying now, three times a week to help with the field work and to teach the Bible. Luis has helped the family get treatment for Puu's grown son when he fell out of a sugar palm tree while gathering sap for making palm sugar. The son is now a bit limited in his ability to help in the fields because of back pain. Puu talks of going to share the gospel in other villages when the field work lessens in September.