Snaur School
Man of Peace
    Hun, one of three village elders in Snao village, was happy to have a group of Cambodian young people and their missionary leader, David, set up tents and stay on his property for two weeks. They were there to serve his village and two adjacent ones by tutoring their children in Khmer language. It is school break for Cambodian students. They met the young people in the village school, which is a one room affair made of poles with a thatch roof. After tutoring the children they went home with them to meet their families. This led to several opportunities to share the hope of the gospel.

    Hun is very interested in the message. Through another ministry, David was able to give him a "Proclaimer" which is basically an MP3 player which plays only the Khmer Bible. He was so eager to hear that he listened to the whole book of John in one evening. He has had lots of questions. They found this village leader to be a good-hearted man and a good father. He seems to be a "man of Peace" like those that Jesus charged the disiples to find when he sent them out two by two (Luke 10:1-7).

    The Crossroads team did experience some opposition from one of the other village elders, who is a sorcerer. Perhaps he is afraid of losing his business or his power (as was the slave owner in Acts 16).