    Please take a moment to pray urgently for a crucial meeting coming up on Tuesday. Kees Jan Bos, linguist with ICC, will be meeting relevant authorities from the Ministry of Education concerning an orthography (alphabet) for the Kuy language using modified Khmer script. A provisionary one has already been produced. This is not based on research and probably will not be very well accepted by the Kuy people. Kees Jan and his wife, Myriam, have done their own careful work on a Kuy orthography.
    Pray for wisdom for Kees Jan to know how to approach issues concerning the orthography with government officials. This is a little tricky as they are proud of the one already produced and consider it their own. Pray that Kees Jan would find favor in the sight of the government officials and that they would be open to improvements to the orthography and to new literacy projects to be started by ICC with Kuy people.