Church Planting Movement
A Church Planting Movement (CPM) is a rapid and exponential increase of indigenous churches
planting churches within a given people group or population segment.*
Our vision is to help facilitate a CPM among the Kuy people of Cambodia. This is not something that we can bring about. It is the work of the Holy Spirit to convict people of sin (John 16:8) and draw them to Christ. Please pray to this end.
 How, then, can people call on someone they have not believed?
 And how can they believe in someone they have not heard about?
 And how can they hear without someone preaching? (Rom 10:14)
The good news must be told in order for people to have a chance to believe. Please pray for us to be able to develop the oral stories to tell the story in Khmer and in Kuy. Also pray for story-teller evangelists to be raised up from among the Kuy and their believing Khmer neighbors.
*For more information see