How do the Kuy see it? 

To the Jews I became like a Jew in order to win Jews. To those under the law I became like a man under the law, in order to win those under the law . . . I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some of them. (1Cor. 9:20-22)

        Paul knew that he had to understand the people he was sent to. He knew he had to be able to relate to them in order to present the message in a way that would make sense to them. It would not be good to alienate people needlessly because of cultural issues. He adapted to his audience.
        The boy here wears strings tied around his arms and legs and patches sewed to his shirt. They are supposed to ward off evil spirits. From this we can learn something about the Kuy understanding of the world. They believe that there are spirits who might do harm and people had better do something to keep them away. We know that we need not fear the evil spirits, rather put our trust in Jesus. But the Kuy know nothing of a Creator God who is more powerful than any other spirit. This should help us in our presentation of the message.
        This is an issue of Worldview. It is one example of many things we want to learn about how the Kuy understand the world around them. We can then address those issues in the Bible Stories we choose to tell and the approach we take with the Good News. Please pray for us, and all those working with the Kuy, to be more and more knowledge of their worldview (and ours). Pray for wisdom how to bring them the truth in light of their beliefs and practices.