How Can They Hear? 
But how can they call to him for help if they have not believed?
 And how can they believe if they have not heard the message?
 And how can they hear if the message is not proclaimed? (Rom 10:14 GNB)

    The Kuy are an oral people. While most speak two languages, their mother tongue, Kuy, and the national language, Khmer, many do not read or write in any language. Kuy is as yet unwritten. Those who have had a chance to learn to read and write in Khmer have little opportunity or reason to do so. Their communication generally takes place through oral means. Therefore, it makes sense that the Good News that we want to communicate ought to be communicated in an oral way as well.

     We believe that Bible stories will communicate well with the Kuy. Therefore we are now in the process of getting a new tool put together, a recording in either CD or cassette tape format. This will include 14 Bible stories which together present the basics of who God is and His plan of salvation through Jesus. It will also contain some Kuy songs and testimonies of Kuy people who have believed in Jesus. Since younger Kuy people who are going to school often speak more Khmer than Kuy, we would like to produce this tool in both Kuy and Khmer.

 Join us in praying: